Our Blog

Conscientious Objectors’ Panel
Every month, Quaker House takes approximately 300 calls on the GI Rights Hotline from people having issues with military membership. These callers want help and information. Some seek discharge from the military because their consciences will not allow them to fight...

“Raise the Next Generation Gently”
National Guard staging in Fayetteville, NC, in anticipation of protests after murder of George Floyd. Recently a young soldier called us from Ft. Benning, Georgia. Like many, he contracted the coronavirus during his first couple of weeks in basic training and was sent...

Deep Roots of Complex Trauma
Joanna being interviewed by Reuters reporter about what we were seeing among service members with sudden deployments. Reporter was wearing a coat because we had to replace our furnace this year, too. We are very lucky in that despite the COVID-19 outbreak, clients...

Hope and Sustaining Power
What gives us hope? This has been a tough time. As I write this, the presidential election in the United States has not officially come to a conclusion and the nine-day interval since Election Day has felt like a month, at least. COVID cases are beginning their...

A Most Extraordinary Reunion
An extraordinary event took place in Fayetteville, NC, on September 21, 2019. Fifty years of history were relived through the live recollections of past Quaker House directors, counselors, board members, and people whose lives were touched by Quaker House. People...
No Judgment Here
There’s a popular gym-chain that has many locations across the nation (they just opened a second one in Fayetteville) that has the tag line “Judgement Free Zone.” I have actually been to that gym, and the one I visited was true to their statement. People of all...

The Other Veterans
Federal law defines a “veteran” as anyone who served on active duty and was not discharged or released dishonorably. A good many of the veterans who call the GI Rights Hotline on any given day aren’t the ones you probably heard appreciated on Veterans’ Day. Here’s a...

Monisha Rios on the Multiple Dimensions of Moral Injury
When Quaker House celebrated its 50th Anniversary on September 21, 2019, with a special event in Fayetteville, many of the former directors and a few people who had been helped by or associated with Quaker House in the past attended as special guests. Monisha Rios was...
50th Anniversary: Fayetteville Quaker House Strives to be a ‘Witness for Peace’
Fayetteville Observer article by Rodger Mullen, published Sept. 22, 2019 When Donald Trump staged a rally in the Crown Expo Center on Sept. 9, both supporters and opponents of the president gathered outside. A few miles away, a smaller demonstration took place. About...