by Wayne Finegar | Jun 4, 2019 | Before Joining, Conscientious Objection, GI Rights Hotline, Military, Selective Service System
Recently Lenore described our work with the GI Rights Hotline to a Guatemalan immigrant friend. “The government must not like you,” he said. “Once you’re in the US military, they make it almost impossible to get out.” Not everyone with whom we talk...
by Wayne Finegar | Nov 18, 2018 | Before Joining, Conscientious Objection, GI Rights Hotline
Last week we received this email from Gary, one of the conscientious objectors we helped apply for discharge when he could no longer reconcile his Christian faith with being in the military. “One year ago I gave you a call. Today I got a call from my Company...
by Wayne Finegar | Aug 6, 2018 | Before Joining, GI Rights Hotline
Delayed Entry Program (DEP): On the GI Rights Hotline, we receive calls from service members in all phases of military service. Some of our favorite calls come from those in the Delayed Entry Program, individuals who have signed up but not yet reported for basic...
by Wayne Finegar | Mar 19, 2018 | Conscientious Objection, GI Rights Hotline, Military, War and Use of Military Force
In December 2016, we received a call from a sailor who wanted our support as she applied for conscientious objection. Petty Officer Allen’s* story provides a powerful example of a military member who was transformed through her experiences and found the courage to...
by Wayne Finegar | Mar 3, 2015 | Before Joining, Military
I’m often asked by people, “What are good reasons for not joining the Army/Navy/Air Force/etc.?” Or I’m told the corollary, “My friend/recruiter says the Army/Navy/Air Force/etc. can do . . . for me.” I recently picked up and...