by Wayne Finegar | Apr 29, 2019 | Conscientious Objection, Draft, Selective Service System
The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service has been holding public hearings since February 2018 in order to gather and share information about its mandate to update the Selective Service System (and, therefore, draft and conscientious objector...
by Wayne Finegar | Nov 21, 2018 | War and Use of Military Force
Artificial intelligence in war weapons rarely makes it into the news. Yet, it requires our careful attention because it is already part of international and national lawmaking. The United Nations (UN) Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Convention on Certain...
by Wayne Finegar | Aug 15, 2018 | Peace, War and Use of Military Force
Thoughts about a war culture after reading the text of the speech given at the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act on August 13, 2018, at Fort Drum, in Jefferson, New York. The following quotes are from that speech (emphasis added by me). Words following...
by Wayne Finegar | Mar 19, 2018 | Conscientious Objection, Draft, Selective Service System
[Photo from the home page of the Commission on Military, National, and Public Service,, accessed March 14, 2018.] What does this photo say to you? What do you think it is advertising? What is the meaning of its creative internet address,...
by Wayne Finegar | Mar 19, 2018 | Conscientious Objection, GI Rights Hotline, Military, War and Use of Military Force
In December 2016, we received a call from a sailor who wanted our support as she applied for conscientious objection. Petty Officer Allen’s* story provides a powerful example of a military member who was transformed through her experiences and found the courage to...
by Wayne Finegar | Dec 17, 2017 | Conscientious Objection, Draft, Selective Service System
I had the most delightful telephone conversation about a week ago with Frances Crowe. In Quaker House’s last newsletter (Winter 2017/2018), I asked people to share stories about their experiences with conscientious objection, from any war, any moral basis (any...