by Wayne Finegar | Dec 17, 2017 | Conscientious Objection, Draft, Selective Service System
I had the most delightful telephone conversation about a week ago with Frances Crowe. In Quaker House’s last newsletter (Winter 2017/2018), I asked people to share stories about their experiences with conscientious objection, from any war, any moral basis (any...
by Wayne Finegar | Dec 7, 2017 | War and Use of Military Force
The opportunity to witness the court-martial of Bowe Bergdahl allowed me to hear another story in that military courtroom. Retired Navy SEAL James Hatch testified of the circumstances under which he was shot in the leg during a search and rescue operation for Bowe....
by Wayne Finegar | Nov 19, 2017 | PTSD, War and Use of Military Force
Since returning from Afghanistan, on his own time, Bowe has worked with an organization that rescues feral cats, and the lady who runs the rescue calls him the cat whisperer because, for some reason, these cats trust him. He has been able to successfully work with the...
by Wayne Finegar | Aug 10, 2011 | War and Use of Military Force
Agent Orange. One of the many terms associated with the Vietnam War that evoke strong and often angry reactions. Why mention it now, and risk stirring those responses again? Partly, it’s the calendar: August 10 will mark fifty years since the first load of...