Our Mission:
Quaker House is a manifestation of the Friends’ Peace Testimony. Based in Fayetteville, NC, home of Fort Liberty, Quaker House provides counseling and support to service members who are questioning their role in the military; educates them, their families, and the public about military issues; and advocates for a more peaceful world.
Tell It Slant
Noted author, historian, and Haverford College professor emerita Emma Lapsansky-Werner has written a biography of former Quaker House Executive Chuck Fager. This detailed 569 page book explores the long and fascinating life of someone who has spent his life on the front lines of advocacy and seeking a better world. Quaker House is proud to offer a copy of Tell It Slant to anyone who donates $100 or more. If you are interested, simply go to the Donate page above and make sure to put Tell It Slant in the comment section.
How We Implement Our Mission:
Recent News Posts
By Popular Demand — A Quaker Chuckle
Margie had her share of Quaker prudence and economy. She had worn her old bonnet so long that neighbors offered to get a new one for her. They asked if she would prefer straw or silk as a material. “Well,” Margie replied, “since you insist on giving me a bonnet, I...
GI Rights Boot Camp
Lenore Yarger, GI Rights Counselor In the fall of 2000, Steve and I offered to volunteer with Quaker House as counselors on the GI Rights Hotline. We traveled to Fayetteville for a half-day “counselor boot camp” led by Alex Doty of CCCO. He gave us a brief overview of...
Can You Find a Way to Extend Quaker House to Your Community?
Every time I talk about the work and mission of Quaker House, I focus on the meaning of “say yes to the troops, no to the war” in 2023. It means we have a responsibility to every person suffering because of our nation’s military-industrial complex. It means providing...